Sunday, November 20, 2011


Ok, so it's not quite Christmas yet, but it sure felt like it, opening our boxes of fresh produce on Saturday. After our weekly CSA ended last month, we were really feeling the loss of our fresh local organic veggies. Grocery stores just don't have the same variety of organic produce that we can find locally. (what irony!) We decided to join the Ottawa Valley Food Co-op to continue our consumption of local food, and our investment in our local economy.
beautiful veggie haul

 When placing our first OVFC order, I was very excited to see that RHG, our CSA farm, was offering "baskets" through the co-op (as well as individual items). Since OVFC only comes once a month, we ordered the large basket! We received 2 cardboard boxes and one plastic grocery bag FULL of produce. Opening the boxes was so much fun- finding the bunches of kale and green onions, heads of cabbage, bags of potatoes, red, yellow, and tropea onions, and garlic, fresh spinach, several varieties of squash, and gigantic carrots! I'm very excited to see what we create with this bounty.

Apples! Susannah loves apples, so I also ordered some of those from RHG. Here is Susannah enjoying her apple.

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