Wednesday, June 29, 2011

First Taste of Summer

When we got home from picking up our veggies, I was laying them out on the counter to take stock of what we had before putting it away in the fridge.
scapes, cilantro, lettuce, green onions, eater egg radishes,
hakurei salad turnips, strawberries, and chinese cabbage

I turned around to find Susannah reaching up and into the basket, snatching some strawberries! I quickly put a bib on her before allowing her to continue... and snapping some pictures!
checking out the basket
enjoying the berries
love that guilty look
 So, after Susannah and I enjoyed some (ok, a lot) of the strawberries, I packed the veggies away in the fridge.
doesn't look like that much all packed away
Now, you are probably wondering what fantastic meal I cooked up with our wonderful new veggies. Sadly, we just had turkey burgers! (I had a bunch of ground turkey from Costco that I was making into burgers and meatballs to freeze) Tomorrow night though, we'll be having a spinach and cheese casserole I've made before, featuring some of the garlic scapes! It's a favourite in this household, especially when there's scapes to add!

I also want to try the turnip two ways pasta recipe linked on the farm blog. And some pad thai, I think, with the cilantro, green onions, and chinese cabbage. And maybe a simple radish sandwich on brown bread with butter and salt- a favourite from my childhood! I want to try some pickled radishes sometime too, but I am sure we will get more radishes in the future.

I like having plans for meals, so I know in advance what I'm making. But I seem to be very bad at planning ahead, so often it's 20 minutes before dinner time and I'm trying to figure out what to make! But with these great ideas, I have plans for most of the week. I'm looking forward to it.

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