This week, our beautiful share included:
- potatoes
- carrots (2 bunches!)
- zucchini
- tomatoes
- head of lettuce
- rainbow chard
- onions
- garlic
- apples
- watermelon
beautiful fruits and veggies |
I have to say, we still have a lot of last week's veggies sitting around. We had a busy week, and neither of us felt much like cooking. I am hoping we get back in our cooking groove soon!
We did do some zucchini and onion on skewers (with chicken too), and I made tzatziki again. I made the chocolate zucchini loaf, and this time used orange zest and flavouring, which turned out very well (although I do really like the cardamom and coffee, too). And we had lots of the cherry tomatoes and carrots just raw as snacks. We used some of the chard for a salad, combined with some extra lettuce a friend dropped off. And the amazing watermelon- so delicious! I think I've discovered my new favourite fruit, and I'm so glad we got another one this week. Susannah has been enjoying the watermelon too. I meant to get a picture of her, but one of her favourite things to do is to feed me watermelon, which results in both of us being a sticky mess, and is not very conducive to picture taking. But she is certainly enjoying it.
How quickly the times change
At work yesterday, a co-worker looked at my yellow watermelon cubes, and said with a confused look on her face "what's that, pineapple?" "Watermelon" I replied. She asked, "what are those?" directing her gaze to the pile of seeds I had. "Seeds" I replied, thinking it was rather obvious. "What kind?" she asked, even more confused. "From the watermelon" I said, and it finally seemed to click for her. (And this is not someone who is too young to know a seeded watermelon!) I am always surprised when people are "shocked" at the appearance of my purple carrots, yellow seeded watermelon, purple tomatoes. Was it really so long ago that these fruits and vegetables were considered usual or normal? I am so glad I am able to introduce Susannah to the beauty of different varieties of foods. I'm excited to teach her that a purple carrot is just as good as an orange one, or that a yellow watermelon can be even sweeter than a pink one.
Tonight for supper we had turkey tacos, and used some lettuce, tomatoes and onions. Yum.